About Emergent Health

What is a Naturopathic Doctor?

       Naturopathic Doctors can be licensed Primary Care Physicians in 26 states and jurisdictions of the United States. Tennessee is an unlicensed state. Therefore, in Tennessee, Naturopathic Doctors act as health consultants working in conjunction with a clients PCP (Primary Care Physician) to optimize their health using natural means.

        Dr. Deb loves working with people from all walks of life who are looking to improve their health and quality of life through natural or naturopathic means. I can discuss with you various health conditions, as you strive to help support your body as it works to regain balance. Dr. Deborah Langheld offers non-clinical ozone & oxygen therapies, Counseling, FBCA, Homeopathy, Biofeedback Therapy, and general health consultations. Book an appointment now at (703) 901-0884.

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